I am Clinton Kibuuka, a native of the capital of Kampala, Uganda in East Africa. I have been living in Germany with my wife and our two children since 2020. Since 2023 we moved to the busy and thriving Ruhr area. 

I discovered my love for sport as a child: at the age of only 7, I began to learn the art of acrobatics using role models from film and television. From then on, I trained every day. My motivation to think outside the box of my hometown and to share my passion for sport, circus and acrobatics with other people soon brought me performances and teaching positions. 

I have been an internationally recognized artist since 2016, and since 2008 I have been giving courses in Uganda and Germany on a regular basis for children, young people and adults in the field of acrobatics and other circus activities such as juggling.


In 2016, I founded my own project the “Bwengula Arts Academy” for street children from Kampala. I started this sports and circus school to give children in my homeland a new perspective for the future, as well as a safe home with regular, warm meals. A home for over 50 children where they feel safe, recognized and cared for as well as where their talents are empowered and where they have a safe space to thrive.

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